What kinds of flowers attract hummingbirds?
Create a haven for pollinators by planting bee balm, sage, and other hummingbird-attracting flowers in your yard. There are three characteristics shared by all hummingbird flowers. Hummingbirds frequent areas with these flowers because of their tubular shape, vivid colors, and proximity to the ground. So that you can enjoy the company of more lovely birds, plant some of these Penang florist flowers that hummers especially enjoy.
- Columbine
Many cultivars and hybrids have been generated from a small number of species in the genus Aquilegia that are utilized as perennial garden plants (such as Aquilegia canadensis, and common dove). Beautiful flowers with long, spiky tails mark this spring perennial, which has been providing nectar to hummingbirds for centuries. It does best in dappled shade.
- For the benefit of the bees: (Monarda didyma)
The full spikes and round form of perennial bee balm make it an eye-catching garden plant that attracts a variety of pollinators, including hummingbirds and butterflies. This plant normally reaches a height of 3–4 feet and needs to be divided every 3–4 years. Unless the spent blooms are removed from the garden, it will spread its seeds freely.
- Penstemons
The penstemon is a native of North America that can be found in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Plant species that are natural to your region. In full sun and well-drained soil, these hummingbird flowers require little care. They are especially sensitive to wet feet in the winter. It’s hard to imagine a situation where the choices aren’t nearly endless. The hue of your flowers might range from white to yellow to blue to purple to red to orange. Plant these hummingbird-drawing flowers and plants in containers.
- Vine of the Trumpet Flower
This gigantic plant, sometimes known as the trumpet vine, blooms with beautiful orange blossoms from summer through fall. The native Trumpet vine of Eastern North America requires a sturdy arbor, trellis, or fence to support its rapid and robust growth. This tenacious vine does best in slightly poor, dry soil, so pruning is essential to maintain it under check and avoid overwatering and fertilizing. It thrives in bright light but should be treated with caution because of its invasive nature and rapid expansion. This plant needs regular trimming to keep it from becoming invasive in a garden or spreading to unintended locations.
- Salvia
The Salvia genus contains many species of mint plants. The plants’ tall spikes of flowers are crowded together, and their lance-shaped leaves release a peculiar aroma when sliced or crushed. The hummingbirds are more likely to visit the 2-tone red + white blooms of Salvia microphylla “Hot Lips” and the foliage of Salvia greggii, sometimes known as autumn sage, but they will visit any type of sage. This North American species blooms in a variety of colors from summer through fall, including red, purple, pink, and white. Sage is sun-loving and only somewhat drought-resistant.
- Lupine
Although the wild form of this florist Penang flower is not suited to home gardens, the several hybrids that have been created make superb, if fleeting, garden perennials. In the early spring, before other flowers open and while insect food supplies are still few, this blooming is great for attracting hummingbirds. Dwarf versions that keep under two feet in height but yet produce many flower spikes are also available. While dividing isn’t necessary, replanting every three years is highly recommended. Lupine is typically an annual plant but can be grown as a perennial in colder regions.